Art for Nature
Vera Bonaventura & Roberto Mainardi
- Aböut -
Officinadïdue is a project by Vera Bonaventura and Roberto Mainardi.
OD2 modus operandi draws inspiration from the natural world and at the same time gives it a new (aest-) ethic and attention supported by the languages of Land Art, Arte Povera and Minimalism reinterpreted throu the light of new environmental scenarios.
We work with commettes who want to develop artistic projects related to environment, climate, ecology, social issues.
Our language uses installs, sound-art, video-art, painting, sculpture, photography.
"Working with biology, observing natural life and the botanical aspects of species, often bring to unexpected answers and new compositional criterias. Nature is a very creative assistant. Everything is out there: we just need to sit and contemplate it. "
Roberto Mainardi and Vera Bonaventura have recently exhibited their works at:
2023 - Industrie Fluviali, 350 metri, Roma
2022 -Kunst Haus Meran, TOGETHER, Interact, Interplay, Interfere
2022 - Kunst Haus Meran, The poetry of Translation
2020/21 -River Po Delta Natural Park / Albarella Island - Evolutions
2020/21 -The Trauttsmandorf Gardens of Merano, Seed Bombing
2020 - The Botanical Garden of Padua, Orazione civile a 3 voci
2020 - Milan Design Film Festival with Antonio Perazzi Studio, Bloom section
2019 - Arte Sella The Contemporary Mountain, Vaia's Scream, Malga Costa
2019 - The Museum of Feltre, Naturae Festival, AKU
2019 - The Tiny Winter Film Festival, Treviso
2019 - Feltre Piazza Maggiore, The Invisible Artwork, Belluno
2019 - Premio Allegrini della Torre, L'arte di Mostrare l'arte, Verona
and more Museums and Foundations individually...
Roberto Mainardi
Roberto Mainardi: degree in Painting at Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna with M. Concetto Pozzati and Master Degree in Design and Production of Visual Arts with A. Vettese, IUAV University of Venice. Sculptor.
Most relevant exhibits:
Esplorazioni (curated by H.U. Obrist, Galeria Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice, 2005)
Transmission (curated by J. Kosuth, 2004)
Guardarsintorno (curated by C. Pietroiusti, Galleria A+A , Venice 2004)
Laboratorio 3 giovani artisti, Galleria S. Fedele (Milan 1990)
La Vernice, Modern Art Museum Cà Pesaro (Venice 1982)
Sculture, Centro attività visive, Palazzo Diamanti Ferrara (1980)
Written texts by:
Roberto Daolio, Tommaso Trini, Concetto Pozzati, Franco Solmi, Cesare Pietroiusti, Giulio Alessandri, Franco Farina, Giorgio Cortenova, Gilberto Pellizzola, Antonio Romagnolo, Giorgio Segato.

Vera Bonaventura
Degree in Education at University of Padua, Perfectioning in International Cooperation. Studies in Anthropology, Venice University. Fullbright Assistant Professor at Wheaton College, MA. Grants: FULLBRIGHT, UNESCO, LEONARDO.
Most relevant exhibits:
Tree stories (Cultural Centre S Gaetano, Padua 2018)
Motherhood of the forests (Museum Rimoldi, Cortina 2018)
The Landscape Festival for FAI (Villa Vescovi, Padua, 2018)
Tre-escape (Fuori Salone Milan, Hortensia, 2018)
39 giri e 6 minuti (Hortensia, Fuori Salone, Milan, 2017)
Gardens (Museo Callegari, Arquà Petrarca, Padua 2016)
Trees (Art Gallery l'Occhio Venezia 2016)
Il richiamo della Foresta (Villa Pisani Museum, Stra, 2015)
AAM Art Gallery PARIS
AAM Gallery S. Paul de Vence
Written texts by: Tiziano Fratus, Ottorino del Lucchi, Matteo Melchiorre, Lucia Mayer.
Video interview by: Pierantonio Tanzola